Thursday, December 3, 2009

I cried... and so did he,?

my best friend moved to new york, we had known eachother for... about 3 years, i met him in 6th grade, we were the BEST OF FRIENDS EVER EVER EVER, and we still are,, we talk all the time on aim and myspace, he said he was going to visit his father, (his father lives where i live) and asked me to hang out with him... (oh yea before that he told me he loved me, we both love eachother... we completely trust eachother and i know he would never hurt me, i know all about him and same with him.) we know it is true love. well anyways, he was supposed to visit his dad but today he told me that he cant bc the weekend he was gonna visit, his dad had to work. earlier about a week ago he asked me what my reaction would be when i see him. i said i will probably be soooo happy and hug him, he said i cant wait for that hug. now that he cant come this morning he was like OH NO I DONT GET YOUR HUG NOW :( we both cried bc we have not seen eachother in 3 years, i truely love him.. and now we are both..

I cried... and so did he,?

Long Distance Relationships are (to me) one of the hardest to keep going. You sound like a very devoted person and so does he. You guys would make a good couple and I'm sorry for the hardships you are facing I can only wish you the best of luck though. What ever you do don't just leave this relationship.

I cried... and so did he,?

Try moving on.

I cried... and so did he,?

The way i look at it is if it's meant to happen it'll happen eventually. But if you both have feelings this strong for one another, then work out a compromise and visit one another. If you have the opourtunity, take it, BC you never know when you'll get the chance again.

I cried... and so did he,?

well when is the next time u can possibly see him? i feel sorry for you but i think it will be alright. whenever you can meet him when the right time comes dont be afraid to kiss him. best wishes...

I cried... and so did he,?

Well, I am not sure what the question is. But I am going to guess it is why did he cry? My first reaction is that he might be gay. OR, he's reallly REALLY in love with you and misses you. A lot of people say you can't find love that young because you just havent experienced that much. I'm not saying it can't happen, it just doesn't very often, but if he is the one for you then you are very lucky to have found him at such a young age. I wouldn't be worried about him crying, I would be worried if when he comes he doesn't kiss you like crazy, then I would seriously consider him being offense, my brother is gay I've seen a lot of guys come out of the closet.....

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