Monday, November 30, 2009

BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS!! please help please read no rude comments, kind of long but please take

ok, well my best friend moved to new york about 2-3 years ago. we talked a lot on aim and myspace, and we both found out we like eachother, i trust him with my life. he is the best boy i know. well he was supposed to visit next week bc his dad lives here, but it ends up that he cant come bc his dad has to go away on bussiness. he told me he really wants to see me, and asked me what my reaction would be when i see him i said i will probably be soooo happy and hug him, he said i cant wait for that hug! ... i was also going to kiss him on the cheek for the first time. well, he told me he loved me, now we have been friends for about 4 years. and i love him too.. but before my friend told me he loved me.. i liked another boy too, who was on my brothers baseball team.. he is also in my grade, and i am going to his school next year, bc i got transfered.. everyone incluing my parents and brother says he likes me .. and someone said he is going to ask me to be his girlfriend.. but i dont want..

BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS!! please help please read no rude comments, kind of long but please take the time!!

Firstly, I completely agree that you may truly love you friend Anthony- however, I think its just a love for a friend, and not a boyfriend/girlfriend love. The thing is, you are too young to really know what love is in a relationship... yes that it my opinion, but there are many factors of responsibilities that you haven't been exposed to yet. I mean, you can not even legally work yet... Things change when you grow older.. maturity, jobs, college, and more responsibilities.

Stay close friends with him, for sure. And honestly, you shouldn't make any future predictions for you two... simply, you need to say, "we'll see what happens", and just stay friends with him. It's one of those things that fate takes control over, in my opinion. So maybe in the future you two will end up together but you absolutly can not predict that at this point. Not only for distance, but because of age too.

I would recommend dating the boy that is closer to you, if that is what you desire. You should tell your friend Anthony that you may be dating other people, because you are too young to make any commitment to anyone far away. You need to experience other guys too, and that may even strengthen you relationship with Anthony ultimately.

Definitely do not feel guilty, or sad, etc. about dating other guys that live close to you. You will still be best friends with Anthony, and friendship is still a very strong relationship, it's just not physical. He should also be dating other people and experiencing that. Anthony should understand that distance is just what happened, and neither him or you can change that, especially at your ages. When you become an adult, this sort of thing changes; where distance is less of a factor.

Good luck, I hope things work out the best way...

BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS!! please help please read no rude comments, kind of long but please take the time!!

ok, u will(in all honesty) not have the same relaiotnship w/ anthony as u did b4 he moved adn while u tlak online. it will jst be soo different b/c the 2 of u r different now. if the other guy ask u do be he's gf and u wnat to be then go 4 it. i'm sure anthony will understand if u is truly ur best fried. i have a best-guy-friend adn i luv him but not in a relationship way, i just luv him as a person, adn u should be that way w/ anthony.

BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS!! please help please read no rude comments, kind of long but please take the time!!

go with th one u loev. u'll regret it later on if u dont

BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS!! please help please read no rude comments, kind of long but please take the time!!

i know its hard for u but to tell u the truth it will never be the same as b4 anthony left cause its been 4 yrs u said in that time he will change it easy to say hey i really miss u and i love in email or IM

u might want to check ur feelings sbout that is he really love u

BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS!! please help please read no rude comments, kind of long but please take the time!!

umm who cares?

BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS!! please help please read no rude comments, kind of long but please take the time!!

Your relationship with the boy you haven't seen in 2-3

years is almost non existant, and frankly you don't know if you

will ever see him again. Really! You may want to, but the dis-

tance will no doubt keep you from having anything work be-

tween the two of you. At least for now. So why can't you re-

main good friends, but still have a social life at home? I didn't

think anyone tied themselves down at 13. There are too many

things to do and be with so many. At 13, you are just starting

to understand what boys are like and they with girls. You prob-

ably haven't even gone to your first school dance yet. You

surely want to get to know other boys and find maybe one

with interests that you have also.

Are your parents in agreement that you are old enough to

start dating? Or do they want you to just mingle with groups?

I would recommend that you still be friends with your 'best

friend'. And then see other boys for friendship as well at home. And if you do go steady, don't tell the 'best friend',

who may have more serious intentions. But maybe he doesn't,

and is only telling you what he thinks you want to hear. Boys

at 13 are generally two years behind a girl of that age, in

mental growth they say. And they have a few years ahead

before they are on the same plain as a girl ,with emotions.

I'm sure your best friend, will not limit himself to staying home

and not seeing anyone else. That would be foolish at such a

young age. Nature makes us realize at 13 that boys can be

fun and not pests. We often are attracted to older men, say

16 and 17. We start daydreaming about what it would be like

to be grown and in love and even married. But when we let

reality sink in, we realize we still have alot of growing and

living to do with the years ahead. Somewhere, someday, you

will find your 'soul mate'. And there will be no denying that you

were meant for each other. But until then, just enjoy yourself,

and enjoy being young, while you are young.

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