Monday, November 30, 2009

Are bodybuilders strong?

Ok so i know this is probably a stupid question but heres the deal

me and my friends were watching i love new york 2 last night and i made some remark about how david "punk" ortuga could beat up taylor made (pics below)

so then my friend says something about bodybuilders not being strong, just looking strong? is this true?

i dont want to know who would win in a fight taylor made or punk, i just want to know if bodybuilders are strong...thanks

taylor made -

punk --

Are bodybuilders strong?

They usually work individual muscles at a time. So they are big, and each muscle is strong, but typically their hearts can't provide oxygen to all of the muscles simultaneously, since they don't do full body exercises.

They can be incredibly strong, but a full body exercise will get them worn out fast. The lack of body fat also means they have very poor energy reserves.

Full body cardio like rowing is devastating to anyone who does not do it hard and long, like bodybuilders. In rowing, looks don't count. Power over time does. A strong guy with great cardio power will wipe the floor with a typical bodybuilder in a 6-10 minute race, or longer.

Are bodybuilders strong?

they are strong, but powerlifters are stronger, this is because bodybuilders put empasis on shape and powerlifters on strength

Are bodybuilders strong?

It depends how they train.

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Are bodybuilders strong?

I dont think so I agree with your friend they look alot stronger but to me strenght comes from within.

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